4 ways to reduce the cost of developing a mobile application

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Are you looking to develop a mobile application but concerned about the associated expenses? We’ve got you covered! 

In this article, we’ll explore 4 effective strategies that can help you significantly reduce the costs of mobile app development, making it more affordable, and budget-friendly.

Reducing development costs doesn’t mean compromising on quality or functionality. With careful planning and smart decision-making, you can optimize your budget and achieve a cost-effective mobile application that meets your business objectives. Let’s delve into these four strategies that will help you minimize costs without sacrificing the quality of your app.

reduce mobile apps development brussels

What are the factors that affect the cost of the development?

Application Complexity

The complexity of your application is a significant determinant of development costs. Complex applications with intricate features, advanced functionalities, and customizations generally require more development time and expertise, leading to higher costs. Simpler applications with basic features and standard functionalities are less expensive to develop. Make concessions!

Platform and Device Compatibility

The choice of platforms and devices your application will support can impact development costs. Developing for multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android, can require additional effort and resources. Similarly, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of devices, including different screen sizes and resolutions, may increase development time and costs. UX UI design experience

User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) Design 

Creating an intuitive and visually appealing user interface and providing a seamless user experience are crucial for the success of your application. However, UI/UX design can be a time-consuming process that involves wireframing, prototyping, and iterative design improvements. The complexity of your desired UI/UX design can influence development costs. Better to use well-known UI/UX.

Backend Development and APIs

The complexity of the backend infrastructure and integration of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) can impact development costs. Developing a robust and scalable backend that handles data storage, security, and server-side processing requires additional time and expertise. Integrating third-party APIs, such as payment gateways or social media platforms, may also add to the development costs.

Integration with External Systems

If your application needs to integrate with external systems, such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software or ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, the complexity, and effort required for integration can affect development costs. Compatibility challenges, customizations, and data synchronization requirements may increase the development timeline and cost.

Security and Compliance Requirements

Applications that handle sensitive user data or operate in regulated industries may have stringent security and compliance requirements. Implementing robust security measures, encryption, and compliance with industry standards can add to the development costs.

Ongoing Maintenance and Updates

After the initial developmenongoing maintenance updatest, ongoing maintenance, updates, and support contribute to the overall cost of owning and operating the application. It’s important to budget for regular updates, bug fixes, security patches, and compatibility with new OS versions or devices.

Team Composition and Expertise

The composition and expertise of your development team can affect development costs. Hiring experienced developers, UI/UX designers, testers, and project managers may come at a higher cost. However, their expertise can ensure a smoother development process and a higher-quality end product. Hiring juniors is rarely cheaper: poor architecture, low productivity, more frequent bugs, etc.

In Belgium, the average cost to develop a mobile app is between €60 and €120 per hour. It is essential to note that the average rate can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the application, the scope of work, the level of expertise required, and the specific requirements of the project. 

You don’t have the skills to develop your mobile application? You can ask a software development company like iterates to take care of your app creation. 

How to reduce the cost of developing a mobile application in 4 ways? 

Define a Clear Scope and Requirements

One of the primary reasons for cost overruns in mobile app development is the lack of a clear scope and well-defined requirements. Before starting development, take the time to thoroughly plan and document your app’s features, functionalities, and target audience. This will help you avoid unnecessary iterations and revisions that can add to the development time and cost. By having a clear vision from the outset, you enable your development team to work more efficiently and deliver a product that meets your expectations.
We recommend you to test your app idea using mockups with real users before starting any development. You will get precious feedbacks for it. 

Choose the Right Development Approach

Selecting the appropriate development approach can significantly impact the cost of mobile app development. 

Two popular options are native app development and cross-platform development. Native app development involves building separate apps for different platforms (such as iOS and Android), which increases development time and cost. 

On the other hand, cross-platform development frameworks like React Native and Flutter, allow you to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms, reducing development effort and cost.

Carefully evaluate your requirements and target audience to choose the most cost-effective approach. Of course, we recommend a cross-platform development framework. 

Leverage Open-Source Technologies and Libraries

Open-source technologies and libraries can be invaluable in reducing development costs. These resources provide pre-built functionalities, UI components, and frameworks that can be integrated into your mobile application. 

By leveraging the power of open-source, you save time and effort on developing common features from scratch. 

Additionally, the open-source community often provides robust support and regular updates, ensuring the stability and security of the components you integrate.

Outsourcing Development

Outsourcing mobile app development is a proven strategy to reduce costs. By hiring a development team outside your company, you can achieve significant savings without compromising on quality. 

When outsourcing, it is essential to conduct thorough research and due diligence to find a reputable and experienced development partner. Clear communication and well-defined agreements are vital to ensure a smooth development process and satisfactory results.

Mistakes to avoid

Sacrificing Quality for Cost

While cost reduction is essential, it should not come at the expense of compromising the quality of your mobile application. Cutting corners on crucial aspects like user experience, security, or performance can negatively impact the success and usability of your app. 

Always prioritize quality and find a balance between cost optimization and maintaining a high-quality product.

Poor Planning and Requirements Gathering

Insufficient planning and incomplete requirements gathering can lead to misunderstandings, frequent changes, and rework during the development process. This can significantly increase costs and cause delays. 

Take the time to thoroughly plan your project, define clear requirements, and communicate them effectively to your development team to minimize unnecessary iterations and revisions.

Unrealistic Time Frames

Setting unrealistic time frames for development can put unnecessary pressure on the development team. This can lead to rushed work, compromised quality, bugs, and potential rework. Understand that quality development needs time, and establish realistic timelines based on the complexity of your application and the scope of work involved. If required, reduce the number of features on your projects. It seems hard, but you always can.

This allows for thorough testing, debugging, and optimization, reducing the risk of costly post-launch issues.

Inadequate Testing and Quality Assurance:

Skipping or minimizing the testing and quality assurance processes to save costs is a significant mistake. Proper testing is crucial to identify and fix bugs, ensure functionality across different devices and platforms, and provide a smooth user experience. 

Neglecting testing can result in poor user reviews, low adoption rates, and expensive fixes post-launch.

Lack of Scalability and Future-Proofing

Failing to consider scalability and future-proofing can lead to higher costs in the long run. Your mobile application should be designed with future updates and enhancements in mind. 

Anticipate potential growth and changing user needs to avoid major architectural changes or expensive redevelopment in the future.

Don’t ask or Ignoring User Feedback

User feedback is invaluable for improving your application and satisfying user needs. Ignoring or undervaluing user feedback can lead to missed opportunities and wasted resources. 

Actively listen to your users, gather feedback, and iteratively improve your application based on their input. This iterative approach reduces the risk of developing unnecessary features and ensures that the application meets user expectations.

Overcomplicating the Application

While it’s important to provide valuable features and functionalities, overcomplicating your application can increase development time, complexity, and costs. Avoid feature creeps by focusing on core functionalities and essential user needs. 

Start with a minimum viable product (MVP) and gradually add features based on user feedback and market demand.

Check out our article Finding the Right Company to Build Your MVP in Belgium…


Examples of cheap mobile application development

  • Basic Informational Apps: Simple apps that primarily provide information, such as catalogs, portfolios, or basic company profiles, tend to be less complex and require fewer features. These apps often have a straightforward user interface and minimal backend integration, resulting in lower development costs.
  • Template-Based Apps: Utilizing pre-built app templates or app builders can significantly reduce development costs. These templates often come with basic functionalities and designs that can be customized to fit your needs. However, keep in mind that extensive customizations or additional features may increase the overall cost.
  • MVP Apps (Minimum Viable Product): Building a minimum viable product allows you to launch a basic version of your app with essential features, gathering user feedback and validating your concept before investing in more advanced features. By starting with a simplified version, you can minimize development costs while still offering a functional and user-tested application.
  • Hybrid or Cross-Platform Development: Developing applications using hybrid or cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Flutter can offer cost savings compared to building separate native apps for different platforms. These frameworks allow for code reuse, reducing development time and costs, particularly if your app doesn’t require complex platform-specific features.


You now have a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the cost of mobile app development and the strategies to reduce expenses. By implementing these techniques, you can create a cost-effective mobile application without compromising its quality or functionality.

With these strategies, you’re well-prepared to embark on your mobile app development journey with a focus on cost efficiency. So, get ready to bring your app idea to life, impress your users, and achieve your goals while keeping costs in check.

You’re inquiring about a company to develop your app in Belgium, at a fair price?  

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