Why It’s Better to Create a POC Before Launching Your Project?

4 minutes

Embarking on a new project is an exciting endeavor, but launching it without proper validation can be risky and costly. This is where a proof of concept (PoC) comes into play. 

A PoC serves as a preliminary version, allowing you to test the feasibility, viability, and potential of your project before diving into full-scale development and implementation.

During the PoC phase, you focus on validating key assumptions, assessing technical feasibility, gathering user feedback, and mitigating potential risks.

By doing so, you can refine your concept, make informed decisions, and optimize resource allocation. In this article, we will explore the reasons why it’s better to create a PoC before launching your project. Let’s get started!

A little reminder…

A proof of concept (PoC) is a prototype or a small-scale version of a project or idea. It is created to test the feasibility, viability, and potential of the concept before committing to a full-scale development or implementation. A PoC aims to validate key assumptions, demonstrate functionality, assess technical feasibility, gather user feedback, and evaluate the project’s potential for success.

It serves as a preliminary step in the development process, helping to reduce risks, make informed decisions, and optimize resource allocation before proceeding with a larger-scale project.

We have another article that explains more about this concept. So do not hesitate to read it!

How to determine if a proof of concept is necessary for a project?

Determining if a proof of concept (POC) is necessary for a project depends on several factors. According to Gitlab’s Engineering Handbook, the best time to carry out a POC is when you are unsure where to start the project because you don’t have enough context or don’t know if the technical result is achievable. 

You should also use a POC when working on a high-risk project or when you need approval from stakeholders.

A POC is most valuable when you’re developing a new product, method, or theory that doesn’t have precedence in your industry. 

If you’re not adding a new idea or feature to your project, you may not need a POC to demonstrate feasibility. 

In such cases, market research can be used to determine whether there’s precedence for the project you’re working on, and if there is, data can be used in place of a POC. Overall, the decision to create a POC should be based on the specific needs and goals of the project.

What are some common types of proof of concept models? 

There are several common types of proof of concept (PoC) models that can be used depending on the nature of the project. Here are some examples:

  • Functional Prototype: A functional prototype focuses on demonstrating the core functionalities and features of the project. It provides a tangible representation of how the final product or solution will work. This type of PoC is commonly used in software development, hardware engineering, and product design.


  • Wireframes and Mockups: Wireframes and mockups are visual representations of the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of a project. They showcase the layout, design elements, and user interactions without the full functionality. Wireframes and mockups are often used in web and mobile app development to validate the UI/UX design and gather user feedback.


  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP): An MVP is a version of the product with just enough features to be released to early adopters or a subset of users. It aims to validate the basic functionality and gather feedback from real users. An MVP allows for iterative development, with subsequent versions adding more features based on user feedback and market demands.

You can check this video to understand the difference between a MVP and a POC:

  • Proof of Technology (PoT): A PoT focuses on validating the feasibility and effectiveness of specific technologies or technical approaches used in a project. It aims to address technical uncertainties, evaluate performance, and ensure compatibility with existing systems or infrastructure. A PoT is commonly used in complex software projects or technological innovations.


  • Pilot Project: A pilot project involves implementing a smaller-scale version of the project in a real-world environment. It allows for testing the project’s effectiveness, gathering feedback, and assessing its impact. Pilot projects are often used in fields such as healthcare, education, or urban planning to validate new approaches or interventions.


  • Testbeds and Simulations: Testbeds and simulations create controlled environments or virtual representations to evaluate the project’s performance under specific conditions. They are commonly used in scientific research, engineering, and complex systems analysis to validate theories, models, or algorithms before implementation in real-world scenarios.


  • Proof of Business Value: This type of PoC focuses on demonstrating the potential business value or return on investment (ROI) of a project. It typically involves creating financial models, market analysis, or case studies to assess the economic feasibility, revenue potential, and cost-effectiveness of the project.

The choice of the PoC model depends on the specific goals, nature of the project, and the aspects that need validation. In practice, multiple types of PoC models can be combined or customized to suit the needs of the project.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when creating a proof of concept?

When creating a proof of concept (PoC), it’s important to be aware of common mistakes that can hinder its effectiveness. Here are some mistakes to avoid:

  • Lack of Clear Objectives: Failing to define clear objectives for the PoC can lead to a lack of focus and direction. Ensure that you have specific goals and outcomes you want to achieve with the PoC. This clarity will guide the development process and help you evaluate the success of the PoC accurately.


  • Overcomplicating the PoC: Keep the PoC focused on validating the core concept or functionality. Avoid adding unnecessary complexities or features that are not essential for proving the concept. Overcomplicating the PoC can consume additional time and resources, making it harder to assess the feasibility of the core idea.


  • Insufficient User Involvement: Neglecting to involve users or stakeholders during the PoC can result in a lack of valuable feedback. Engage users early on to gather their input, expectations, and pain points. User feedback is crucial for refining the concept, improving user experience, and identifying potential issues.


  • Ignoring Technical Feasibility: Ensure that the PoC adequately addresses the technical feasibility of the project. Ignoring technical constraints or limitations can lead to unrealistic expectations or project failures later on. Test critical technical aspects during the PoC phase to identify any technical challenges and ensure the viability of the solution.


  • Inadequate Planning and Documentation: Proper planning and documentation are essential for a successful PoC. Document the goals, methodologies, and results of the PoC, including any assumptions or limitations. Thorough documentation enables better communication, knowledge sharing, and informed decision-making during and after the PoC.


  • Lack of Scalability Considerations: While a PoC focuses on proving a concept, it’s important to consider its potential scalability. Neglecting scalability considerations can lead to a successful PoC but difficulty in translating it into a scalable and production-ready solution. Address scalability concerns and evaluate the feasibility of scaling up the project as part of the PoC process.


  • Failure to Iterate and Learn: The PoC is an iterative process that allows for learning and improvement. Failing to iterate on the PoC and make necessary adjustments based on feedback and results can limit its effectiveness. Embrace an agile mindset, continuously gather insights, and adapt your approach to enhance the PoC’s outcomes.


  • Insufficient Time and Resource Allocation: Underestimating the time and resources required for the PoC can lead to rushed or incomplete results. Allocate sufficient time, expertise, and resources to the PoC to ensure thorough testing and validation. A well-executed PoC requires adequate investment to yield meaningful results.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can maximize the effectiveness of your PoC. And gain valuable insights into the feasibility and potential of your project.

Remember to approach the PoC with clear goals, involve users, consider technical feasibility and scalability, document the process, iterate based on feedback, and allocate appropriate resources. 

The importance of a POC

Creating a proof of concept (PoC) before launching your project offers several advantages that can increase your chances of success. Here are some reasons why it’s better to create a PoC before launching your project:

  • Feasibility Validation: A PoC helps validate the feasibility of your project or idea. It allows you to test and evaluate key concepts, technologies, and methodologies to ensure they work as intended. By identifying potential challenges or limitations early on, you can make informed decisions about the viability of your project.


  • Risk Mitigation: Launching a full-scale project without a PoC can be risky. A PoC helps mitigate risks by identifying and addressing potential obstacles or issues before committing extensive resources. It allows you to assess technical feasibility, market demand, and potential business challenges, reducing the likelihood of failure or costly mistakes.


  • Market Validation: By releasing a prototype or a limited version of your product, you can gather feedback from potential users or customers. This feedback helps you assess market demand, understand user needs and preferences, and make informed decisions about your project’s market fit.


  • Iterative Development: A PoC allows for an iterative development approach. It provides an opportunity to test different versions of your project, gather feedback, and make improvements based on user responses. This iterative process helps refine your project, enhance its functionality, and align it more closely with user expectations before the full-scale launch.


  • Resource Optimization: Creating a PoC helps optimize resource allocation. It allows you to focus your resources on developing a smaller-scale version of your project, reducing unnecessary expenses. By validating the core aspects of your project with a PoC, you can avoid investing significant resources in a project that may not resonate with the target audience or encounter insurmountable obstacles.


  • Stakeholder Engagement: A PoC serves as a valuable tool for engaging stakeholders, including investors, partners, or potential collaborators. It allows you to showcase your project’s potential, demonstrate progress, and align stakeholders’ expectations with the final product. This alignment increases the likelihood of securing support and resources for the full-scale launch.


  • Learning and Adaptation: Creating a PoC provides an opportunity for learning and adaptation. It allows you to gain insights into the project’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This learning process enables you to refine your project’s features, user experience, and design based on real-world feedback. Leading to a more successful and user-centric final product.


Overall, creating a PoC before launching your project enables you to validate feasibility, mitigate risks, assess market demand, optimize resource allocation, engage stakeholders, and foster a learning mindset. It sets a strong foundation for a successful full-scale launch and increases your project’s chances of meeting user needs and achieving your goals.

Why choose Iterates for your POC

Iterates is an agency that provides IT services and consulting located in Brussels. Many startups and businesses chose Iterates thanks to our team composed of 14 senior experienced developers. If you are interested in seeing some of our projects, have a look at them on Sortlist.

Why would you choose us to help you to create your POC? 

  • Multidisciplinary approach: we have different technicals skills such as Development in C# .Net and Java,  Infrastructure & software deployment (DevOps, DevSecOps, Ops), Software architecture & design (Microservices, event-driven, layered architecture).


  • Developer expertise: there are different developers depending on their level of expertise such as junior and senior. It is recommended to have a senior developer. You know what? Our team is only composed of senior developers.


  • Uses of new technologies: iterates only uses new technologies. Thanks to that, we can assure you that your business will always be up-to-date.
  • Big team: We are composed of 14 developers medior to senior level. It means that we will always have someone for you who can manage your project. Moreover, our team is composed of people that can manage tests, development, AQ and the project.

So you are a startup or SMB owner? You want to launch a software product? Iterates is here to help to develop your POC.


In the journey of bringing your project to life, creating a proof of concept (PoC) is a crucial step that sets the stage for success. 

By involving users, iterating on feedback, and optimizing resource allocation, you can refine your project and align it with user expectations.

A PoC provides a valuable opportunity to test the core concepts, technologies, and methodologies before committing to a full-scale development. It minimizes the chances of costly mistakes and ensures that your project is on the right path. 

Therefore by embracing the power of a PoC, you lay a solid foundation for your project’s success. It empowers you to make informed decisions, create user-centric solutions, and navigate the complexities of the development process with greater confidence. 

So, before launching your project, take the time to create a PoC that will allow you to achieve your goals and deliver a remarkable end product.

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